Don’t Hold Back shares Emma-Jane’s deeply moving story; from her courageous journey to heal from the trauma of child sexual abuse and abandonment, to the confident, empowered woman she is today.
Her story offers hope and insight into the power of the human spirit to overcome adversity and trauma. Don’t Hold Back is full of practical tools and possibilities that many readers have found much hope and inspiration from.
Emma-Jane shares her harrowing experiences that have brought her invaluable life lessons, all leading to her success in business and in her personal life.
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Anyone in the profession and many survivors will tell you, that the majority of books purchased on the subject will follow a similar formula, continuing on from the ground breaking "A Boy Called It".
Not taking anything away from authors using that platform to tell their story, it can be very cathartic, but how many stories that detail th
Anyone in the profession and many survivors will tell you, that the majority of books purchased on the subject will follow a similar formula, continuing on from the ground breaking "A Boy Called It".
Not taking anything away from authors using that platform to tell their story, it can be very cathartic, but how many stories that detail the minutia of horrific childhood trauma can you read before they stop becoming educational and are able to be used as a therapeutic tool? Emma-Jane takes the reader on a completely different journey, one in which there is no descriptive narrative about the abuse she was subjected to or any deeply personal insight as to the damage done with alcohol, drugs and an eating disorder (I do however believe that she should look at a second book that deals with the affects and recovery). Instead, Emma-Jane uses her words, her experience, her journey to gently show that there are many ways to work with yourself and others, when the time is right for you. Throughout the chapters there are small exercises and suggestions that can help the reader understand that they may be ready for the next step but if they do not feel able to move further forward at any given point, then that's okay as well.
I shall certainly be recommending this book to therapists and counsellors as a way to maybe break the mould and to anyone who is struggling to find themselves and need a positive nudge.
At first glance, Emma-Jane Taylor seems to have it all, a successful career, attractive, great circle of friends. You assume she’s always been one of this world’s lucky ones. But as they say you should never judge a book by its cover and true enough it turns out that Emma-Jane has had to work hard to get where she is and build the life fo
At first glance, Emma-Jane Taylor seems to have it all, a successful career, attractive, great circle of friends. You assume she’s always been one of this world’s lucky ones. But as they say you should never judge a book by its cover and true enough it turns out that Emma-Jane has had to work hard to get where she is and build the life for herself that she now enjoys. In Don’t Hold Back, Emma-Jane gives you an insight into how she achieved this. We all have our crosses to bear – maybe not as harrowing as the ones Emma-Jane had to face, but we all put obstacles in our way and in her book Emma-Jane takes us through a step to step guide in how to make changes that will positively affect our lives for the better.
If you’re thinking of taking positive steps to improving how you are living your life, this book is an invaluable first step in that process.
As someone who has known Emma all her life...I realise I haven't! What I do know is the book she has produced will be an excellent tool to those needing clarity of thought and direction, or just for those seeking a positive guilt-free pathway to a better fulfilling life, free of fear or whatever is holding them back. I wish in my past I
As someone who has known Emma all her life...I realise I haven't! What I do know is the book she has produced will be an excellent tool to those needing clarity of thought and direction, or just for those seeking a positive guilt-free pathway to a better fulfilling life, free of fear or whatever is holding them back. I wish in my past I could have had such tools to help me...instead of riding storms and just surviving. Even in my now happier place I have created my life bubble/s and through them can see where I can improve my life further.
Emma Jane - as you are known - well done! Be proud of your achievments and for encouraging us to find our voices and wellbeing and to 'dig deep' through the process. A book to keep and refer back to; a book to share.
Copyright © 2024 Emma Jane Taylor - All Rights Reserved | Photo credit to Laurie Fletcher and Zelda de Hollander, Studio Shotz